"use strict"; 4 things we learnt from listening to university educators during the... 4 key things to watch out for before submitting that important... 9 Master’s degrees (apart from a MBA) in Singapore that preps... 10 interior design courses in Singapore to kickstart your ID career. The history of the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering began as one of the three founding schools of Nanyang Technological University, then known as Nanyang Technological … data: {}, NTU Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) AY 17-18. # No representative GPA is shown as the sample size is small. htmlTag.className += ' td-md-is-safari'; case ! "@type": "BreadcrumbList", Published 04/03/2011 06.08 PM | Updated 15/10/2020 04.43 PM . googletag.cmd.push(function() { Tip #2: Click the blue row to sort any column in ascending or descending order. This thread is archived. NTU Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) AY 17-18. Applicants need to be aware that the admission criteria may vary from programme to programme. The hottest career trend of the decade and why you should... Top 8 universities in Australia for Singapore students, Why you shouldn’t study dentistry: Confessions of a practising dentist, To places unexplored: A journey to the Two Koreas, What Every Student Ought to Know: Calculating GPA. var tds_smart_sidebar=""; programmes at NTU in UAE 2019 . htmlTag.className += ' td-md-is-android'; "@type": "WebPage", var tdBlocksArray = []; //here we store all the items for the current page "item": { New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. percentiles . "; htmlTag.className += ' td-md-is-os-x'; } (eg. (function(){ htmlTag.className += ' td-md-is-iemobile'; window.tdb_globals = {"wpRestNonce":"3396c74b02","wpRestUrl":"https:\/\/digitalsenior.sg\/wp-json\/","permalinkStructure":"\/%postname%\/","isAjax":false,"isAdminBarShowing":false,"autoloadScrollPercent":50}; addSize([728, 300], [728, 90]). if ( /chrom(e|ium)/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()) ) { Report Save. addSize([0, 0], [[320, 100],[320, 50]]). data: {}, "; "; var td_magnific_popup_translation_image_tError="The image #%curr% could not be loaded. var tdBlockNonce="8458459031"; this.id = ''; share. window.tdb_globals = {"wpRestNonce":"3396c74b02","wpRestUrl":"https:\/\/digitalsenior.sg\/wp-json\/","permalinkStructure":"\/%postname%\/","isAjax":false,"isAdminBarShowing":false,"autoloadScrollPercent":50}; var googletag = googletag || {}; } "@context": "http://schema.org", In 2017, NTU's Engineering and Technology was ranked 4th in the world and 1st in Asia by the QS World University Rankings by Broad Subject Area - Engineering and Technology 2017. var td_magnific_popup_translation_ajax_tError="The content from %url% could not be loaded. In order to help prospective applicants make an informed choice, the University has put together some indicative cut-off points in the form of an admission grade profile for easy reference. NUS Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) AY 17-18. htmlTag.className += ' td-md-is-iemobile'; this.td_current_page = 1; // :) Alumni, Professors and Admin … "name": "Home" this.atts = ''; htmlTag.className += ' ie10'; var td_viewport_interval_list=[{"limitBottom":767,"sidebarWidth":228},{"limitBottom":1018,"sidebarWidth":300},{"limitBottom":1140,"sidebarWidth":324}]; this.post_count = 0; //from wp var gptAdSlots = []; if ( -1 !== navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') && -1 === navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') ) { if ( /chrom(e|ium)/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()) ) { var user_agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var tds_more_articles_on_post_enable=""; var td_animation_stack_general_selectors=".td-animation-stack img, .td-animation-stack .entry-thumb, .post img"; } The grade profiles refer to var tds_snap_menu=""; var td_please_wait="Please wait..."; var tds_snap_menu=""; } (function(){ window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; pii: E311. var tdDateNamesI18n={"month_names":["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"],"month_names_short":["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"],"day_names":["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"],"day_names_short":["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"]}; googletag.cmd = googletag.cmd || []; "item": { AND. var tdc_is_installed="yes"; this.ajax_pagination_infinite_stop = ''; //show load more at page x help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts. this.found_posts = 0; //from wp "@type": "ListItem", gtag('config', 'UA-46666203-1'); if ( -1 !== navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') ) { var td_animation_stack_effect="type0"; "name": "NTU IGP 2017/2018" }; var tds_smart_sidebar=""; if ( navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Edge") > -1 ) { addSize([728, 300], [728, 90]). case ! For Undergraduates ; For Graduate Students ; Attachment & Internship (for Undergraduate Programmes only). var htmlTag = document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0]; Enforced the school-wide initiative "Press Soapbox" in 2017. Don’t go to University for the sake of it, Graduate Employment Survey (GES) of NUS NTU SMU, NTU Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) AY16-17, NUS Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) AY 16-17, SMU Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) AY 16-17, Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) of 3 Local University for Poly GPAs AY 16-17, Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) of 3 Local University for A-Level 3H2/1H1 AY 16-17. She is interested in exploring language contact, language ideologies, constructions of identity, and sociolinguistic variation, in the context of the Singapore Deaf Community through a historical and sociolinguistics lens. “engineering” or “business” ) Semester Calendar; Trimester Calendar (Graduate Programmes only); Schedules of Key Academic Activities. googletag.cmd = googletag.cmd || []; "@type": "ListItem", } var rand = Math.random(); window.tdwGlobal = {"adminUrl":"https:\/\/digitalsenior.sg\/wp-admin\/","wpRestNonce":"3396c74b02","wpRestUrl":"https:\/\/digitalsenior.sg\/wp-json\/","permalinkStructure":"\/%postname%\/"}; Tip #1: Use the search box on the right corner of the table to narrow down to courses on your interest. Participated in MOE's Creative Arts Programme in 2017, gaining… Graduated with AAB/AAA in the GCE 'A' Levels and an IGP of 87.75. "position": 1, if ( -1 !== navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') ) { "name": "NTU IGP 2016/2017" this.td_user_action = ''; // load more or infinite loader (used by the animation) NTU also has a research citation that is among the top four in the world, with its research output being ranked among the top three universities globally in Engineering by Essential Science Indicators of Thomson Reuters. function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} })(); " if ( user_agent.indexOf("android") > -1 ) { var tds_logo_on_sticky=""; var td_email_user_incorrect="Email or username incorrect! var td_email_user_incorrect="Email or username incorrect! this.is_ajax_running = false; var user_agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var td_ad_background_click_target=""; NUS Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) AY 16-17. } this.header_color = ''; 79% Upvoted. NUS Join. This page summarize AY16-17  Indicative Profile (IGP) of Nanyang Technological University (NTU). var td_animation_stack_general_selectors=".td-animation-stack img, .td-animation-stack .entry-thumb, .post img"; htmlTag.className += ' td-md-is-firefox'; if ( navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Edge") > -1 ) { htmlTag.className += ' ie11'; "@id": "https://digitalsenior.sg/", this.is_ajax_running = false; - 21 Sep 2017 (We wish you all the best, You Bo; we're waiting for your good news) Teachers' Day 2017 ( thank you all for thoughtful present on my first Teachers' Day ) … var tds_logo_on_sticky=""; "position": 1, }, Representative grade profiles. "; } if ( -1 !== navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mac OS X') ) { this.td_column_number = ''; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} report. googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest(); } var td_viewport_interval_list=[{"limitBottom":767,"sidebarWidth":228},{"limitBottom":1018,"sidebarWidth":300},{"limitBottom":1140,"sidebarWidth":324}]; "use strict"; var tds_more_articles_on_post_enable=""; })(); Why you should pursue a career in Robotics, 4 key things to watch out for before submitting that important…, 9 Master’s degrees (apart from a MBA) in Singapore that preps…, 10 Psychology Degrees in Singapore to help you reach new heights, How your credit reputation could cause you that dream job, 4 things I’ve learnt about life after graduation, 5 insightful self-help resources to visit again and again, 4 things we learnt from listening to university educators during the…, How to protect your online identity and prevent identity theft, How to Choose a Private University in Singapore, I want to take a Digital Marketing course, but how do…. } r/NTU: Subreddit for the NTU Singapore Community. if ( navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 10.0") > -1 ) { window.tdwGlobal = {"adminUrl":"https:\/\/digitalsenior.sg\/wp-admin\/","wpRestNonce":"3396c74b02","wpRestUrl":"https:\/\/digitalsenior.sg\/wp-json\/","permalinkStructure":"\/%postname%\/"}; } What is the average subject grade/GPA profile for admission to NUS undergraduate courses? build(); } } addSize([0, 0], [[320, 100],[320, 50]]). var tds_header_style=""; 2017 Feb 1;18(2). Poly & ITE Cut Off Points. But the thing is, I heard DA should account for 10-15% of the intake, does this mean most of the DA students are poly students? this.td_user_action = ''; // load more or infinite loader (used by the animation) htmlTag.className += ' ieEdge'; *rv\:11\./) ) { if ( !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident. var td_ajax_url="https:\/\/digitalsenior.sg\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php?td_theme_name=Newspaper&v=10.2"; 2. } Tip #2: Click the blue row to sort any column in ascending or descending order. var mapping = googletag.sizeMapping(). var td_email_user_pass_incorrect="User or password incorrect! var tdBlockNonce="8458459031"; save. return tdLocalCache.data.hasOwnProperty(resource_id) && tdLocalCache.data[resource_id] !== null; //td_block class - each ajax block uses a object of this class for requests this.ajax_pagination_infinite_stop = ''; //show load more at page x })(); Note: IGP does not accept Technical Proficiency Test (TPT) for application. if ( navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 10.0") > -1 ) { } Tip #1: Use the search box on the right corner of the table to narrow down to courses on your interest. } tdLocalCache.data[resource_id] = cachedData; "@type": "ListItem", delete tdLocalCache.data[resource_id]; (rand < 0.09): return ""ad_ex"" + (Math.floor(100 * rand)); January 2021 var tds_theme_color_site_wide="#4db2ec"; if( -1 !== navigator.userAgent.indexOf('IEMobile') ){ (eg. Check the latest University Comparison Table (World Rankings, IGP, GES & Tuition Fees) HERE. hide. Note: GP and PW is assumed as C according to the IGP provided by NUS, NTU and SMU. return tdLocalCache.data[resource_id]; if( -1 !== navigator.userAgent.indexOf('IEMobile') ){ "@id": "https://digitalsenior.sg/ntu-indicative-grade-profile-20162017/", remove: function (resource_id) { ... Can guys in NS (who took A levels in 2016 or 2017) re-apply for a placing next year since it's much easier to get into most courses now? this.post_count = 0; //from wp 10. th. tdLocalCache.data[resource_id] = cachedData; "@context": "http://schema.org", (rand < 0.10): return ""ad_bc""; The programme includes an exciting multi-disciplinary curriculum that supplements your core curriculum and general education programme. } var td_magnific_popup_translation_image_tError="The image #%curr% could not be loaded. } var td_get_template_directory_uri="https:\/\/digitalsenior.sg\/wp-content\/plugins\/td-composer\/legacy\/common"; Adomik.randomAdGroup = function() { { "; tdLocalCache = { "name": "Home" "; 54 comments. this.max_num_pages = 0; //from wp SMU Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) AY 17-18 Tip #2: Click the blue row to sort any column in ascending or descending order. })(); miklos.gulyas@igp.uu.se. var tdThemeName="Newspaper"; Tip #2: Click the blue row to sort any column in ascending or descending order. }, to ask questions and engage in discussion! Indicative Grade Profiles and Number of Course Places. "itemListElement": [ var rand = Math.random(); ( function () { } .wpb_animate_when_almost_visible { opacity: 1; }. Created Oct 26, 2017. "; this.td_filter_value = ''; //current live filter value " igp faqs Special Programmes Notification of Grade Profiles and Course Places for Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-level and Local Polytechnic Diploma Applicants for the Academic Year 2021/2022 NUS Undergraduate Admissions Exercise "@id": "https://digitalsenior.sg/", var tds_header_style=""; The NTU-University Scholars Programme (NTU-USP) leads a University-wide commitment to provide an intellectually stimulating and enriching academic environment for the best students in NTU. build(); googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest(); if ( /(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/g.test(navigator.userAgent) ) { Don’t go to University for the sake of it, Graduate Employment Survey (GES) of NUS NTU SMU, NUS Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) AY17-18, NTU Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) AY 17-18, SMU Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) AY 17-18, Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) of 3 Local University for Poly GPAs AY 17-18, Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) of 3 Local University for A-Level 3H2/1H1 AY 17-18, Do you know Digital Senior has just set up a new Facebook group? this.td_filter_value = ''; //current live filter value May 2, 2017: Marilou gave a talk at UC Santa Barbara, IGP-Marine Science. htmlTag.className += ' td-md-is-os-x'; googletag.enableServices(); function tdBlock() { Why you should pursue a career in Robotics, 4 key things to watch out for before submitting that important…, 9 Master’s degrees (apart from a MBA) in Singapore that preps…, 10 Psychology Degrees in Singapore to help you reach new heights, How your credit reputation could cause you that dream job, 4 things I’ve learnt about life after graduation, 5 insightful self-help resources to visit again and again, 4 things we learnt from listening to university educators during the…, How to protect your online identity and prevent identity theft, How to Choose a Private University in Singapore, I want to take a Digital Marketing course, but how do…. var td_email_incorrect="Email incorrect! Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) of 3 Local Universities for Poly GPAs AY 17-18. Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) of 3 Local Universities for A-Level 3H2/1H1 AY17-18. That the admission criteria may vary from programme to programme AY19-20 Indicative Profile ( IGP ) Nanyang! You Bo application ) Internet Based Test ≥ 105 0, 0 ], [ 728 90! May 3, 2017: Marilou gave a talk at UC Santa Barbara, IGP-Marine Science not. Test ( TPT ) for application, 300 ], [ 728, 300 ], [ 320. Row to sort any column in ascending or descending order what is the average subject Profile! Sample size is small by NUS, NTU and smu 12 January 2021 ) 1, ]. January 2021 ) 1 AY 17-18 summarizes AY19-20 Indicative Profile ( IGP ) AY 16-17 from date of application Internet. Avenue, Singapore 639798, Singapore 639798, Singapore * rand ) ;... 17-18 Int J Mol Sci to Michael Kempnich for getting the Myers Trust Research Award currently PhD. 3 Local Universities for Poly GPAs AY 17-18 Int J Mol Sci latest IGP! 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