Make a general confession and offer Communion for the conversion of sinners. This apparition hits close to home, literally. Only a small number of alleged apparitions have been approved by the Church as authentic. She later recounted that: “There, a period of time passed, the sweetest of my life. This is the cost for following our Lord Jesus. Perhaps the most beautiful of these would pertain to the Blessed Virgin Mary. IS IT BECAUSE THEY DO NOT HAVE THE EVIDENCE OF AUTHENTICITY? 8 Dead, Several Others Shot At Pittsburgh Synagogue.. Fire in Notre Dame: The holy Crown of Thorns worn by Jesus Christ during the passion is saved praise God! *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. How is it that opponents of Garabandal can so easily dismiss the truth of the apparitions when they have been able to see for themselves the accurate foretelling of coming trends contained in the second Message delivered by St Michael on Our Lady’s behalf, to Conchita on June 18, 1965? Humanity should strive to listen to God more than speak. THANK YOU KINDLY. Please log in again. After Brise asked Our Lady who she was and what she desired, she answered in a very direct manner: “I am the Queen of Heaven who prays for the conversion of sinners, and I wish you to do the same. Her warnings about recent times remind us of the need for penance and prayer. Our only refuge is in Jesus as opposed to this transitory material world from which we are now…very painfully…being separated. Our Lady continued to tell Brise that a life of conversion is also helped by catechesis, requesting that she “gather the children in this wild country and teach them what they should know for salvation… Teach them their catechism, how to sign themselves with the sign of the Cross, and how to approach the sacraments… Go and fear nothing, I will help you.” The feast of Our Lady of Good Help is celebrated on October 9. Shortly before Sister Marianna’s death, Our Lady spoke these most sobering words to her: “If mortals only understood how to appreciate the time given to them and would take advantage of each moment of life, how different the world would be! Rev. THE CORONA VIRUS IS A RESOUNDING OF THE BEGINNING OF THOSE WARNINGS, AND THAT, TOO, NEEDS TO BE ACKNOWLEDGED AS A POSSIBLE CONNECTION TO THE PREWARNINGS OF HEAVEN. Breaking her silence: Conchita, Visionary of the Virgin Mary at Garabandal, says the Coronavirus pandemic is leading the world to the prophecized “Illumination of Conscience”. “Whoever has the Spirit of God, reads the signs of these times with ease, realizes that the world is now in the hands of satan.” A PRAYER TO DEFEAT THE WORK OF SATAN. THOSE SILENT “EXTINCTIONS” ENGAGING IN CRUCIFYING THE INNOCENT UNBORN, IS NOT SPOKEN OF IN SERMONS, NOR DO I RECALL HAVING HEARD CLERGY PROVIDE PARTICULARS OF THE VARIOUS FORMS OF THIS MURDEROUS ON-GOING ACTIVITY IN ANY SERMON, NOR EVEN IN CHURCH BULLETINS IS SUCH SORELY-NEEDED INFORMATION PROVIDED. The whole process of the Apparitions of the Virgin Mary that we live began when I was around five or seven years old in the humble patio of my house, located in the department of Canelones, in Uruguay. 10 January, 2019 Historically, Europe is the continent where most apparitions of the Virgin Mary have been reported. Victoria Meder, thank you for your post above. But the message, like the ones received at those locations, is also very important. I don’t understand why the Church (Vatican) doesn’t tell Parish Priests through the Arch Bishop and Bishops o f the messages of Our Lady during the Marian Apparitions. I have strong convictions that you will be having more to say in the very near future. It is very energetic, as its coma is half the size of the sun. How true is this for every one of us as well! Did Our Lady Warn the World on Christmas Day 2019…”That is why people are far from God and souls are sick and heading towards spiritual death.”. ABORTION IS ONE OF THE GREATEST SILENT ATROCITIES EVER, DESTROYING HUMAN BEINGS, AND, THAT, TOO, DOES NOT GET PREACHED, FOR THE MOST PART, TO MY AWARENESS, NOR IS THAT TOPIC DISCUSSED IN BULLETINS. Our Lady would appear at one point with beams of light coming forth from gems on the ring which she wore on her finger. Coming from Heaven to meet with us, Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph transmit Their Messages through visionary monastics of the Grace Mercy Order. However, some of the gem did not glow. As we saw in the messages of the other apparitions above, Our Lady especially wanted to get the message across that the conversion of poor sinners was paramount. October 27, 2019 UPDATE 11/2: we have included a new translation from a English/Japanese speaker, and made a few other small edits to this article WQPH has obtained a new message from Sister Agnes Sasagawa, the nun who received the message of Our Lady of Akita, who is sometimes referred to as the daughter of Our Lady of Akita. THERE IS ALSO AKITA, MEDJUGORJA, AND OTHER PLACES ON THIS EARTH OUR LADY HAS BEEN, AT THIS TIME, REVERBERATING HER MESSAGES AND WARNINGS! Among those messages were calls for conversion. Pray for sinners.”. Our Lady predicted many events of the nineteenth and twentieth century, from local happenings in Ecuador to Blessed Pope Pius IX’s declaration of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception and his subsequent “captivity” following the Capture of Rome in 1870. Also, due to the extreme gravitational stresses on the comet at the time of passage, there is the possibility that it will break down, thus posing the threat of a fragment impacting our planet which closely comports with the authentic Third Fatima Secret as revealed by Pope John Paul II in an interview with a German magazine. MAY GOD BLESS THE TIRELESS WORKERS FOR HEAVEN MOST ABUNDANTLY! This is the only apparition in Poland that the Holy See has approved. What is particularly striking is how Our Lady tells Brise that she has to do more than she is already doing. The Virgin Mary. Previously, at the death of her mother when Catherine was a child, she asked Mary to be her mother. WHY? With this particular apparition, we go back a little bit in time. All rights reserved. It is my determination that the current pandemic is a cover for the effects comet Atlas will have on our planet. Compendium of the Miraculous: An Encyclopedia of Revelation, Marian Apparitions, and … This is reminiscent of what was also said at Fatima, where Our Lady specifically asked for reparation of sins committed by people throughout the world. Here we will take a look at the specific messages that Our Lady gave during these five particular apparitions. The feast of Our Lady of Good Success is celebrated each year on February 2, the same date as the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Infant Jesus sat on her knee as he held a golden globe on his lap. Matthew Arnold: In seven apparitions over 40 years beginning in 1594, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres of the Convent of the Immaculate Conception in … Jakov Colo receives an apparition on December 25 each year and Ivanka Ivankovic receives an apparition of the Virgin Mary on June 25 each year. We can take solace in Our Lady’s words given here from across time and space. Can you help us spread Our Lady’s message which is so important right now? IT IS A FACT, BASED ON EVIDENCE OF THE “EXTRAORDINARY” TAKING PLACE DURING MAJOR APPARITIONS, THAT OUR LADY HAS BEEN VISITING AND REVISITING THIS EARTH AND CONTINUES TO VISIT THIS EARTH IN HER “URGENT” REQUEST FOR REPENTANCE. They closely parallel what I have disclosed to you. A comet, arriving as it does from far outside the influence of our solar system, is energized with an opposing electrical charge relative to the sun. That is why you must be converted!” A Pearl from Mary November 8, 2019, Medjugorje: Our Lady Reveals to Visionary what happens at the exact time of death — “You go to Heaven in full conscience that which you have now. Again, the parallels to another apparition, at Fatima, are very clear. Without going into the details of the dream itself, which had to be interpreted, I was deeply moved by the biblical overtones. This has been proven false and the bishop has asked that we stop supporting this false person. I am always asking people about their dreams. Thank you so much., In our Blessed Mother’s Service, The evil one wants nothing more than to tear down the priesthood, and in some quarters he has done a good job of it. It was there that she asked the faithful to pray the Rosary each day. Our Lady of Good Success. Our Lady of Akita is one of the most incredible apparitions of the twentieth century: three messages from Mary to a nun from a wooden statue seen crying and sweating blood. A Guide to 5 Key Marian Apparitions (#3 Is Hardly Known),, Rejoice! They earned the approval of the local bishops. In Quito, Ecuador, a Conceptionist Sister, Venerable Mariana de Jesus Torres, received several apparitions of Our Lady over the course of four decades beginning in 1594. Given this comet’s high electrical potential, its proximity to the sun at passage and the earth’s perilously weak protective magnetosphere, there is a very great likelihood it will induce coronal mass ejections that will dramatically affect the earth in a variety of spectacular and threatening ways. Compendium of the Miraculous: An Encyclopedia of Revelation, Marian Apparitions, and Mystical Phenomena [Graham, Albert E., Michael O'Neill] on Medjugorje: Sister Emmanuel tells how the Virgin of Our Lady of Guadalupe changed color! We looked at a few of these apparitions before, and today we’ll look at five others. Are we praying for our priests? The Dark Forces depend upon our spiritual shortcomings, fear and weakened faith to prevent our holy matrimony with the Lamb of God. The Virgin Mary warned of a corruption of morals in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and as we have just lived through this era, we can attest to the veracity of her predictions. However, a published collection of the messages Doiron said he … Lent has been over for several weeks, but we can still make penitential acts each day, especially on Fridays, for the conversion of poor sinners. So I will provide you with the scriptural parallels that perfectly matched the imagery of their dream. The greater the comets potential, the more likely it will induce a reaction from the sun in the form of coronal mass ejections. And like the above apparition as well, this famous event also provided the faithful with a very powerful message, delivered to a poor, village girl. What other extra things can we do? The Church commemorates the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes each year on February 11. They are the Creator’s instruments for the administration of its creation. St. Catherine immediately leapt to her side and rested her hands on Our Lady’s knees. But we must ask for that help first, as we clearly saw from the vision of St. Catherine Labouré. * World Health Organization declares coronavirus a pandemic – Pray, pray, pray! WHY? Catholics regard Mary as the Queen of all saints. The earth’s protective magnetosphere is at a record low potential due to the sun having transitioned into a state of quiescence in 2012 (Mayan Calendar) known as a Grand Solar Minimum. WHILE PARISHES MAY BE CONCERNED WITH SERMONS PREACHING A “RETURN TO THE TEN COMMANDMENTS,” MAY RESULT IN “OFFENSE” AND/OR A DECLINE OF ATTENDANCE AND SUPPORT, IT IS A DEMAND MADE BY HEAVEN BECAUSE IT IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY! Our Lady would appear to St. Catherine on two more occasions, and during these apparitions, she made it clear that she desired to dispense many graces upon the faithful, only if they might ask. NOR IS INFORMATION PROVIDED ON BIRTH ASSISTANCE AND ADOPTION FOR THOSE IN NEED, NOR IS ABSTINENCE, WHERE APPLICABLE, PREACHED! About forty years prior to this, though, Our Lady had given a very similar message in Poland. Coronavirus Prophecy Unfolding? The music some scientists say comes from Heaven. The term “apparition” refers to an appearance of a holy figure, usually the Virgin Mary, to a faithful person. This is why she is such a powerful intercessor. TREVIGNANO ROMANO, Italy — An Italian woman who claims to regularly experience supernatural visions said Mary told her in September 2019 that a … See Facebook’s largest English Garabandal site ! COMPLIANCE IN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF THIS FACT WILL RESULT IN CHANGE, AND THOSE ADHERING TO HER MESSAGES WILL BE BLESSED WITH SUFFICIENT MEANS TO SUPPORT THEIR MINISTRIES BY OUR LADY HERSELF, IN GRATITUDE, I AM CERTAIN, BUT, SADLY, THAT CHANGE HAS NOT BEEN HAPPENING FOR THE MOST PART, TO MY AWARENESS! The Bishop of Fort Worth, Texas has not authenticated alleged apparitions of the Virgin Mary that are said to have taken place in the diocese, according to a statement released last week. The gems from which rays do not fall are the graces for which souls forget to ask.”. ONE OF THE GREATEST ATROCITIES, THE ABORTION MILLS, IS ALSO SORELY BEING NEGLECTED FROM THE PULPIT, TO MY KNOWLEGE AND AWARENESS. I TRUST CONCHITA WILL ANNOUNCE ON HER WEBSITE THE DATE OF THE “MIRACLE” EIGHT DAYS BEFORE OCCURRENCE. The web portal "Voice and Echo of the Divine Messengers" has the mission of disseminating these teachings to all of humanity. How important, then, it is to pray for the intercession of our Blessed Mother! That is why people are far from God and souls are sick and heading towards spiritual death.”, Medjugorje: Our Lady Reveals — “You cannot imagine what is going to happen nor what the Eternal Father will send to earth. The Devil’s plan is to destroy the world. The relevant scripture has to do with Jesus’ return as the groom, in marriage to his bride, humanity. From the beginning — invoked as Our Lady of Guadalupe — Mary, by her motherly and merciful figure, was a great sign of the closeness of the Father and of Jesus Christ, with whom she invites us to enter into communion”. But it’s another thing to willingly believe we live in the very same world as described in the Scriptures.Some of the most dramatic supernatural events described in the Bible would be the appearances of spirits from the afterlife. Exploring the ways faith effects our lives, “Cardinals, Bishops And Priests Going The Wrong Way And LessAnd Less Importance Is Being Given To The Eucharist.”, THE MESSAGE OF GARABANDAL: While many Catholics wear the brown scapular or a crucifix around their necks, another popular sacramental that has been in use for almost two hundred years is the Miraculous Medal. Atlas will pass very close to the sun at the end of May…deep within the orbit of the planet Mercury. After this, the image we see on the Miraculous Medal appeared, with Our Lady telling St. Catherine to have the medal struck as soon as possible. Just as she had visited three young children at Fatima, the Blessed Virgin Mary also visited two young girls over a three month period in the village of Gietrzwald in the year 1877. The Dark Forces are using the fear of a pandemic to bring humanity under control before they realize that the real threat is a rapidly approaching comet (Atlas) and also to prevent the marriage of Christ with humanity. She already went to daily Mass, but she must still do more. Many of the adults in Beauraing had faith, yet responded to the apparitions with doubt and fear.Even though the children were initially startled, they showed enthusiasm for learning from the apparition experience. NO ONE, TO MY AWARENESS, IS PREACHING ABOUT HER MANY RECENT VISITS AND ON-GOING VISITS TO A SELECT FEW! On separate occasions, a woman with long hair greeted them under a maple tree “sitting on a golden throne decorated with pearls”. I WOULD LIKE TO BE ADVISED, IF THAT IS POSSIBLE, THROUGH SUCH PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT. Holy Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for us! St. Bernadette obliged. Mirjana Dragicevic: Yes, Our Lady always appears to me on 18th March and 2nd of each month. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. If they do not convert and do penance, my Son will be obliged to punish them.”. The Church now celebrates the feast of Our Lady of Gietrzwald each year on June 27. And at the moment of death, you are conscious of the separation of the body and soul…The body, drawn from the earth, decomposes after death; it never comes back to life again…”, Medjugorje: Vicka in Home town of Jesus – …See Vicka at 2:00 minutes “The Mother of Jesus arrives in Bethlehem”, Medjugorje: Keeper of the Biggest Secret… “Our Lady told me the future of the world …I wrote everything down.” ‘“I can not divulge much about the secrets but I can say this…Our Lady is planning on changing the world.’, Medjugorje : “Already only the rosary can do miracles in the world and in your life”. The ones received at those locations, is PREACHING about her many recent VISITS and VISITS. Awareness, is PREACHING about her many recent VISITS and ON-GOING VISITS to SELECT... Us to her? ” on Mantel of Our Lady regularly asked what wanted. That she asked the faithful to pray for Our priests if they do not fall to eternal. 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recent apparitions of mary 2019 2021